الف) تبدیل جملات سوالی مستقیم که با یکی از افعال کمکی سوالی می شوند:

1_ فعل ناقل تبدیل به ask یا inquire می شود

2_ کلمه that حذف شده و جمله مستقیم با if یا where آغاز می شود

3_ فرم سوالی جمله تبدیل به جمله خبری شده و علامت سوال حذف می گردد

He said to me, "do you listen to the news every night?
غیر مستقیم
He asked me if i listened to the news every night.
He said to me, "did you speak with my father?"
غیر مستقیم
He asked me if i had spoken to his father.
The teacher said to mary, "will you write your homework"
غیر مستقیم
The teacher asked mary if she would write her homework